Fondé en 1986, le Laboratoire d’Etudes sur les Nouvelles formes de Travail, l’Innovation et le Changement (LENTIC) est un centre de recherche et d'intervention de l'Université de Liège, centré sur les processus d'innovation organisationnelle.
Rethinking HRM, Change, and Technology:
an Empirical and Polyphonic Approach
The day will focus on 4 interconnected themes:
- A Polyphonic Approach to Change Management
- Towards a Typology of HRM Models
- Technological Innovations in Organizations and Beyond
- Action Research As a Means of Studying Management Issues
Proposals for papers (in the form of abstracts of no more than 3 pages) are due by 5 June 2024..
See Call for papers

- Submissions: June 5, 2024 by email to
- Feedback from reviewers : June 25, 2024
- Research Day : September 13, 2024
Day held at HEC Liège, the School of Management of the University of Liège
Grégory Jemine ( and Olivier Lisein (
Organizing Committee
France Bierbaum, Grégory Jemine, Olivier Lisein, Frédéric Naedenoen, Giseline Rondeaux
LENTIC – HEC Liège – Université de Liège